Officers’ Memorial on Boise Wiki

Idaho Peace Officers’ Memorial by Ryan Regis

The Idaho Peace Officers’ Memorial is a special place where friends, family, officers, and those who wish to pay their respects for the men and women who have given the ultimate sacrifice to help enforce and protect our freedoms that we have today. The memorial is found in Meridian, Idaho on the property of the Idaho State Police facility. The memorial is small in many elements but holds great volume in its message. I have found the appreciation for peace officers is low and almost non-existent in Idaho as well as most of the nation. I hope to change that and help others understand and know of the greatness and significance that it holds.

I chose this memorial site to be an important addition to Boise Wiki for a few reasons. As mentioned above, I think that the appreciation for law enforcement is almost non-existent in this state. New York holds great parades, ceremonies, and summer events for the family to help raise awareness to the men and women in blue. Here in Idaho, have see a memorial and have heard of a run or park event in Nampa annually. I have never actually seen the events or any advertisements to raise community interest. So I hope that my page will do just that.

I also hold a great passion in law enforcement and hope to continue my career after I have graduated. Most officers are seen as those bullies that pull you over or ticket you; not all officers are like that. Officers put their life on the line everyday and help to ensure that our rights are not oppressed or people are safe or being safe within any and almost all environments you can find yourself into. Regardless of the good or bad experiences that one has had with the law, is it really too much to ask for a little awareness about their job and what good they do for everyone?

With this start, this small blog and a few pictures of a memorial of the fallen I feel that it can become something big. I think that throughout the years, many people will start to understand and appreciate this work that comes with the badge. To see any addition for any source enhancing this page would really put a smile on my face. I welcome all to contribute to this page and add as much information as one possibly can. No matter how small the article or how small the picture, I really hope it helps everyone within the Boise community and those around to help increase this awareness and sell the compassion to those who appreciate warriors in their life.

Some advice that I will offer to those who want to be Boise Wiki contributors, I would say do your homework. Get involved with the project and don’t just visit a location you want to write about. I would suggest becoming a part of what you are writing about. Meet the people who run the location or contribute to the location itself. People are inspired by kind words and stories. It can be anything from a laundry mat to a memorial. Tell your story about how well the place is and the people that go there. When the public hears about the good environment, the good news will go viral and spread from one person to another uncontrollably, but it has to be believable. Any one can say that this memorial means a lot to some people and can be pretty in certain seasons, but more will be drawn to your location if you tell them the people you encountered, the history of the site, and the stories that were shared. Sell the story and don’t just show someone a place of interest, become involved and sell the site through stories. History is written by winners, those who are victorious with his or her involvement in a particular experience and its location. I challenge all contributors to write history about your own victory and the experiences that can come with it.


Agent Childers and Seized Mink Skins

Public Domain Image

Agent Childers and Seized Mink Skins by Freimuth DC, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service from

Creative Commons Image

Luna in Denial by Beverly and Pack under a Creative Commons License

Post by Eric Schooley and Ryan Regis

Education and Electronic Voting

Kyle Varadoe
Elizabeth Couchum
Sky Winter
Michael Winters
Ryan Regis

We would like to education people, especially people that would no normally vote, about the electoral college and the voting process. We believe that more people would feel confident and more would vote in the United States if educated properly about the voting system we have today. This would include advertising the issues and electoral process learning from via multi-media such as: social networks, small stories in news programs and texts or emails. We also would like to promote the ability to vote with different media devices excluding texting. Most households have computers and the digital age would be more helpful and accurate if given the proper software to count votes correctly. Using multi-media, one may use this to research and explain with audio, video, and short articles to help people better understand what will be within the polls and what is up to be voted upon this year. We cannot find much of a reason for the division of blacks, whites and any other ethnicity when it comes to voting aside from races voting for the supporting race running for office.

Archives for The Cuban Missile Crisis

Fifty years ago, south of our nation’s boarder a conflict had occurred. A United States’ U-2 spy plane was traveling miles above the earth’s western hemisphere only to come across a frightening discovery; a Soviet nuclear warhead. For 13 days, President Kennedy and Premier Khrushchev exchanged a multitude of face-to-face and more informal conferences about the situation and the potential dangers that came along with this move. A nuclear missile during that timeframe could cripple the American country and kill over an estimated 100 million Americans. What was discussed in these conferences and why would anyone want to move nuclear warheads around the world in a strategic manner? There is no need to move weapons around the world to embrace in the thought of Armageddon.
1. Soviet Union-United States Original Conflicts and facts
i. Reported in October 40 launchers and 80 missiles found
ii. Air strikes were possible but unsure about if all the missiles and launchers would be destroyed
iii. CIA reported that about a dozen missiles were operational at that time
iv. Attorney general didn’t agree with attack
1. Pearl Harbor effect
2. Lead to unpredictable military responses from the Soviets (McNamara, 1962)
a. Possibly nuclear
v. Missiles designed specifically in Moscow for incoming ICBM as a defensive system
vi. Other launchers and missiles designed against aircraft
vii. Radars found on the island
1. Unaware of their dependability
viii. Hundreds of missiles detected moved into cuba in September
1. Not all thermonuclear (Helms, 1993)
ix. Aug 22 CIA game infomratino concerning the number of Soviet and Chinese personael who had entered Cuba (Central Intelligence Agency, 1962)
x. 38 ships arrived since Aug 5
1. 5 were personnel
a. 4000 to 6000 Soviet personel (Central Intelligence Agency, 1962)
xi. President Kennedy asked for further information and analysis on situation from others before taking any further action
2. The Soviet Union-United States Military threats
i. Soviet Union had moved numerous amounts of long and short range missiles to Cuba
1. 22 IL-28 jet bombers
2. 29 MIG-21 jet fighters
3. 24 SA-2 sites
4. 3 cruise missile sites for coastal defense
5. 12 cruise missile patrol boats
ii. Purpose of Soviet military buildup was “to demonstrate that the world balance of forces has shifted so far in their favor that the US can no longer prevent the advance of Soviet offensive power into its own hemisphere (Centeral Intelligence Agency, 1962).”
iii. 16 MRBMs
1. Short range missiles reaching 1100 nm
2. Considered operational at time of notice
iv. 2 IRBMs
1. Long range missiles reaching nm
2. “Able to reach Washington DC and Mountain Home AFB, Idaho (Regis, 2010)”
v. U-2 spy plane shot down

Centeral Intelligence Agency. (1962, Ooctober 20). Major Consequences of Certain US Courses of Action on Cuba. Retrieved from The National Security Archive:
Central Intelligence Agency. (1962, October). Cuban Missile Crisis. Retrieved from CIA Documents on the Cuban Missile Crisis:
Helms, R. (1993, September 22). Intelligence in American Society. Retrieved from Central Intelligence Agency:
McNamara, R. S. (1962, October 21). Notes on Meeting with the President. Retrieved from Cuban Missile Crisis Key Documents:
Regis, M. D. (2010). Retired Air Force Speical Ops. (R. Regis, Interviewer)

DogBlog Alan

When I first started learning about digital humanities, I was overwhelmed. By the end of a class, the only thought going through my head was, “What the hell just happened? This is not what I expected from a history class.” I thought I was well over my head. Then I spoke to Alan Levine, a digital humanist, but more importantly a man who loves what he does and enjoys helping others, like me, who are not as familiar with the digital world that we live it. It’s hard enough to find good instructors for any discipline and even more so to find someone who enjoys the work themselves.
Alan Levine is a geology major who originally started studying computer science. He went to school in Arizona to obtain his degree but really had an emphasis digital media. He is self taught for the most part, but ha a few courses focused with digital media, specifically with photography and audio. With the knowledge that he gained in school, he began teaching himself to create stories and perfecting his photography skills to help create, what is now, a work in digital story telling which a great passion of his is now.
Alan is currently an instructor helping people through online courses to better their understanding and perfecting their skills with digital media. He teaches what new media is available and how to use it. His students learn how to manipulate and improve themselves with a language he or she could understand. For example, I told him I am a 25 year old caveman who didn’t know digital humanities existed and have a hard enough time learning how to use my phone and laptop. Alan didn’t see it that way with me. He said that it wasn’t so much as me not having extensive knowledge in the digital world, but rather I know more than I credit myself and that I just need to learn more about manipulating the technology around me.
Alan feels that it is more important to focus on the passion one has rather than the focus of the technology itself. He explained that through law enforcement prospective, the digital world is growing and the greater the quality of the media, the greater one can make a difference. To take a photo of a crime scene now is much more detailed than a few decades ago. The technology of taking a generic snapshot has evolved into fine, hi-resolution photographs that will help solve crimes in the future. Audio is great too. We now have the technology to manipulate the audio that law enforcement receives and use this to helping the community around us in a multitude of areas.
I was so intrigued with his explanations; I had to ask about working for or with him. What would someone have to do to instruct classes and teach other students, like myself, about multimedia? Expecting some great emphasis on communication, technical terminology, or a plethora of computer science classes he simply stated a passion or love for a line of work. Geology major working to aide both students and professionals with bettering the world around us by educating all that he could and his answer was my own personal passion. Alan said that learning some terminology would be good to know and some communication or internet classes might help, but really it just comes down to the person and his or her career emphasis. There is no need to be a computer programmer to learn about multimedia and its capabilities when there are others around the world willing to help aide someone in understanding something new or unfamiliar to him or her.
There is always something new to learn and explore but communication is a big part in learning about technology. Alan has a blog,, where he discusses technology on a regular basis. One thing that struck me is that it is his own ideas and he accepts that sometimes he is wrong in some occasions when he posts. He doesn’t mean to be incorrect about some things but thrives on the fact that others around him, who enjoy the work with multimedia as much as he does, corrects him and help both Alan and people that follow his blog to better understand the technology around us. He finds it a real blessing that he can go online with the world, share a few thoughts, and have mature informants educate him and his followers about what the world has to offer. He brought up the fact that sources, such as YouTube, have people showing their experiences, lectures, and demonstrations first hand can help almost anyone with whatever they might be searching for. If you have new hardware or software that you aren’t too sure about and need some instruction, you’re almost guaranteed to find something on YouTube or an article elsewhere to help explain and possibly demonstrate what goal you want to reach.
Alan Levine is a very knowledgeable man with goals to help all people around him. Why even his number one goal has already been met relying that his love with teaching others. Alan lives in Arizona but travels the states constructing new material for both himself and his students he educates passionately on his online classes. Alan wishes to continue his teaching career, helping to educate others through his blog and communication media, and perhaps expand on the digital storytelling and techniques to improve both his writings and the writings of others.

The Adventures of Bobby the Horseman and Mothra Jr. the…moth

Five Card Story: Amazing Bobby and The Great Gorilla Excape

a Five Card Flickr story created by Ryan and April

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by Serenae

The great superhero Bobby the Horseman was patrolling the local city zoo one day until suddenly his nemesis Silky Spider took a momma gorilla and her baby captive. Silky held both the gorillas in her sicky web as her prisoners. Bobby knew of the spider’s great knowledge in the art of web-making but sprung into action with great haste anyway. Being stuck into Silky’s web be calls upon his side-kick Mothra Jr to come to his aid. Mortha Jr. used his powerful wings to conjure up a gust to cut through the web setting the gorilla and Bobby free. Silky fled in defeat. With the sun setting over the mountains, the rain sprinkled down washing the web away. Momma gorilla left into the forest in gratitude. As the gorilla family left, Bobby rode his steed into the sunset and Mothra Jr. flew back to his how with a rainbow aiding his way home.

Ryan and April Production