Apples for Esmeralda: Five Card Flickr Story

Five Card Story: Apples for Esmeralda

a Five Card Flickr story created by Molly May, Ellie Couchum, Jim Duran

flickr photo by shareski

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by hummingcrow

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by ARckls

At the Chicago Zoo, the zoo keeper had a meeting with the media about feeding the animals. Meanwhile, the visitors at the zoo picked apples to feed to Esmeralda the gorilla and her baby, Izzy, for everyone knows the two gorillas love apples. The zoo keeper was so mad, he went into the gorillas area to get the apples but did not close the gate! Esmeralda saw the gate open and took off in search of more apples. The zoo keeper called the cops, but they were too busy being in the parade. Esmeralda left the zoo in midst of the chaos and ended up in the middle of Chicago where the parade was held. Moving slowly through the parade, the police saw the gorilla and her baby running throughout the parade. Not knowing they were looking for apples, the police chased them into a grocery store, where the gorillas found apples and more fruit.