The Adventures of Bobby the Horseman and Mothra Jr. the…moth

Five Card Story: Amazing Bobby and The Great Gorilla Excape

a Five Card Flickr story created by Ryan and April

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by bionicteaching

flickr photo by Serenae

flickr photo by Serenae

The great superhero Bobby the Horseman was patrolling the local city zoo one day until suddenly his nemesis Silky Spider took a momma gorilla and her baby captive. Silky held both the gorillas in her sicky web as her prisoners. Bobby knew of the spider’s great knowledge in the art of web-making but sprung into action with great haste anyway. Being stuck into Silky’s web be calls upon his side-kick Mothra Jr to come to his aid. Mortha Jr. used his powerful wings to conjure up a gust to cut through the web setting the gorilla and Bobby free. Silky fled in defeat. With the sun setting over the mountains, the rain sprinkled down washing the web away. Momma gorilla left into the forest in gratitude. As the gorilla family left, Bobby rode his steed into the sunset and Mothra Jr. flew back to his how with a rainbow aiding his way home.

Ryan and April Production